We are here to provide free and confidential safety and support services to victims of domestic abuse, stalking, and sexual assault, 24-hours a day. Read below to get help now or learn more about what we offer.
We offer safety and shelter as well as support & resources over the phone
or in-person in English and Spanish.
We are here for you.

The Shelter
An integral part of our organization, the crisis shelter houses adults and their children and pets who need a safe place to stay and receive compassionate support from our professional advocates.
Sexual Assault Services
We offer a wide variety of services for anyone who has experienced sexual assault. We offer support and guidance throughout the recovery process for the victim, as well as for family and partners.
Client Advocacy
We help women, men, and families connect with housing, food, employment, mental and emotional health services, education, child care, medical care, and transportation resources.
Support Groups & Counseling
We offer support groups to help survivors begin the healing process and forge new relationships. When support groups are not enough, we offer professional counseling services to help with the recovery process.
Call us today
if you would like to learn more or are in need of any of our safety and shelter service. We are here for you! 208.788.4191.